Visa & Immigration Solutions
We have the expert skills you need.
Minori Legal Consulting Office is dedicated to assisting foreign nationals and businesses with visa, immigration, incorporation and other related procedures in Japan. Whether it is your intention to work, invest, study or to join a family member, our bi-lingual licensed Immigration Lawyer certified by the Japanese Government will handle your case in coordination with the Tokyo Immigration Bureau and make a point to find only the perfect tailored solution at the best rate possible! Our wish is to establish a relationship of trust through sincerity and friendship.
We are Tokyo's immigration lawyers with real answers. We're changing the way people find solutions to their immigration issues. Through our unique in-person consultations, we find the best options for you and give you the answers you need.
Minori Legal Consulting Office specializes in all forms of immigration law and have years of success even when faced with the most difficult of immigrations cases. Our experienced Tokyo Immigration Lawyers provides you with the highest level of professional assistance regarding process to enter Japan and obtaining a visa. It starts with a simple email exchange. So stop waiting and start living again. Contact us now!

We offer the best prices on the market
Our lawyers use a truly effective approach
We understand the law and the legal system
We communicate
with our clients
Our reputation is our most important asset

​Business Hours AM 10:00 ~ PM 7:00
Inquiry via phone: 070-6450-2221
Office closed on Tuesdays and National Holidays